In spite of occasional jibes and sneers our
argument, then, is not at all that things made
by machinery are bad things, or that the man
handicrafts is the only kind of man that merits
salvation. The Industrialist is very welcome to
all the credit he can get as a servant of hum¬
anity. The time has come when the handi¬
craftsman should cease altogether either to
rail at him or envy him. Let each go his own
road. The handicraftsman must see that if a
million people want the Daily Mail on their
Fig. 39
Sir Cyril Burt. A Psychological Study of Typography.
Stanley Morison. The Typographical Arts.
Richard Gregory. Eye and Brain.
Eric Gill. An Essay on Typography.
М. H. Pirenne. Vision and the Eye.
Sir D'Arcy Thompson. On Growth and Form.
P. H. Scholfield. The Theory of Proportion in
David Kindersley. 'Towards perfect spacing' Book
Design and Production.
David Kindersley. 'Direction signs' Traffic
Engineering and Control.
David Kindersley. Lecture to The Institute of
Printing Optical Letter Spacing (to be published).
Planned Seeing. HM.S.O. Air Publication 3139 В