The letter r is composed of a
vertical stroke that mimics the
first stroke of an m or an n, and
a tail or flag where their shoul¬
ders would slope into the next
vertical. In most designs the tail
of the r is modeled after the ear
of the g, but in revival typefaces
like Belwe and ITC Berkeley
Oldstyle these two elements dif¬
fer dramatically.
gr gr
Century Old Style
ITC Berkeley Oldstyle
Bodoni Open
In calligraphic designs the
end of the flag reflects the nat¬
ural termination of a brush¬
stroke, while in constructed
designs it is either a ball or
pear-shaped terminal. In some
typefaces, the size of the r’s flag
is reduced to improve its spac¬
ing relationships with adjacent
letters. In others, like Cochin,
the r’s tail is full-bodied, and
might even be described as
AG Book
Rounded Bold
Poetica Chancery II
Gill Sans
Bold Italic
Modula Black