The Letter
From a type designer’s stand¬
point, the lowercase 0 is one of
the most important letters, set¬
ting the standard for the weight
and stress of round strokes, the
spacing of other rounded low¬
ercase letters, the relationship
of stroke to counter, as well as
the thickness of the lowercase
Letraset Fashion
ITC Avane Garde Gothic
Extra Light Oblique «
In typefaces dominated by
old style or calligraphic design
traits, the o’s bowl is heaviest at
approximately eight and two
o’clock, reflecting the angle at
which a chisel-tipped brush is
held when the letter is drawn.
ITCFeniceM W
In typestyles that reflect more
modem influences, the weight
stress of the о and other round
characters shifts toward the
vertical. For instance, in faces
like Bodoni and ITC Fenice,
the weight stress of the о is
absolutely vertical.
Hiroshige Bold
Eurostile Extended No. 2
ITC Weidemann
Book Italic
Futura Extra Bold