the R6ò, R6ò Rose
о, my luve’s like à Reò, Reò Rose,
ihAi’s newly spRunq in june:
0 my luve’s like the meloòie
thAt’s sweetly play’ò in tune.
as Pair ARt thou, my воппіе Iass,
so òeep in luve Am i;
Anò i will luve thee still, my òcar,
till a' the S6AS QAnq òRy.
till a’ the seAS qAnq òRy, my òeAR,
Anò the Rocks melt wi’ the sun:
1 will luve thee still, my òeAR,
while the sAnòs o’ life shall Run.
Anò fARe thee weel, my only luve!
Anò fARe thee weel a while!
Anò i will come AqAin, my luve,
tho’ it weRe ten thousAnò mile.
t U I) Ш X
the extent to tohich aßchifectuße might
be caLLeö an ant has been the subject
of investigation often enough. It seems to
me that aßchifectuße is ваве1у/ап0 then
only to an inconsiöeßable öegßee/a tßue
aßüfhat is/it вавеіу can ascßibe its oßigin
to the desine foß cognition anò see its goaL
in thefußtheßance of unòeBstanòing.
Aßchifectuße òoes/to be suße/paßticipate/
along toifh otheß ants/in mhat eve usually
think is the essence of aßt/paßficulaßly in
its síBíoíng to achieoe an aesthetic effect.
But if cue belieoe that aßchifectuße òoes
not stanò on a plane coith the otheß aßts
simply because its tooßks haue a pßactical
aim anò punpose/coe аве in еввов/foß a
pßactical pußpose does not pßeoent the
otheß aßts f nom nemaining tßue fo theiß
aßfistic pußpose. The ßeason is much тове
likely to lie in the nafuße of aßchifecf иве
itself. We usuaLly limit the aßtistic qualities
of ouß builòings fo theiß aesf hetic effect.
Neoeßtheless/iohen me subtnact all that/
me still haue a ßemainöeß which/though
вавеіу ßecognizeö/may be the genuine anò
only signif icanf aßfistic component in the
cooßks of aßchifectuße.— Сопвад FieòleB