Durch ihr großes schmallaufendes Bild wirkt
die Lectura selbstbewußt. Ihre maximale
Lesbarkeit innerhalb eines gegebenen Schrift¬
grades bleibt erhalten.
Die Lectura ist eine solide Werkschrift, die
durch ihre klare Ausdruckskraft hervortritt.
Ihre Schriftbreite steht in einem günstigen
Verhältnis zur Bildgröße. Hiermit erhöht
sich die Lesbarkeit auf engstem Raum.
Die“Hersteller von Büchern und Zeitschriften
werden diese Möglichkeit zu schätzen wissen.
Durch ihr großes, ökonomisches Schriftbild
paßt sie sich jedem Druck und jeder Papier¬
qualität an.
Die Lectura Handsatzschrift ist identisch mit
der Lectura Maschinensatzschrift, so daß
beide miteinander kombiniert werden
Probably not one reader in a thousand re¬
alizes the degree to which he is critical about
size and alignment of type. A variation of
one or two thousandths of an inch in align¬
ment is readily apparent, and a difference of
two or three thousandths of an inch in the
size of a character is easily detected. Not
only must the characters be of the correct
size and correctly placed, but the proper pro¬
portions of thickness of stroke, length of the
serif, and other variable dimensions must be
sustained over the entire font.
In design and punch cutting it is neces¬
sary to remember that type faces must not
be made so as actually to be in alignment, or
so that the characters are of equal size, but
they must be made to appear so. Every type
designer is acutely conscious of this require¬
ment. He therefore can use what may be
called accurate inaccuracies to compensate
for the failure of the eye to differentiate the
realities from illusions.
Optical Compensation
If the characters used on the printed page
were all made equal in their dimensions and
true to line, they would appear unequal. The
relative error which must be introduced in
order to make the characters of uniform
appearance is shown in the study of typo¬
graphical printing surfaces made forty years
ago by Legros and Grant. This scholarly
research proved that all the characters in a