Job ОошрояШоп Hot
gtte Job Department. Tlic specimens of type presented
in tlie following pages of tins book, numerous and
diverse as they are, convey but an inadequate concep¬
tion of Hie vast quantity and assortment daily in use
in this department, and we are constantly increasing
\ the variety and amount as new designs make Ihcir ap-
'fyï' pcarancc from the founderies. The field is not limited
by "diamond" and "pica," but only by the ingenuity
of man. The internal arrangement of the room we are inspecting
is similar to that of the Book Composition Room; but the labor per¬
formed in it requires quite a différent order of talent, and to be a
first-class Job Compositor is a high attainment in the art. Whether we
have any in our employ who have gained that eminence is for others
to decide; and to assist in that decision we present our plea, — this
volume, with its specimens of type and of printing, and respectfully
solicit for it an impartial examination.
. í - . , /Ves« if««»«.
Ifte Proof ftea.cterV Rooms claim a passing uo-
l tice. They aro, as they .should bo, small, each
complete in itself, well lighted, ami far removed
■ л from the noiso and interruptions generally so
(Î- ■. inseparable from them. The importance of the
LÍ-. Proof Header's part cannot he over-estimated,
—*45»£ts ^^ and these aids to his comfort and success need
only ho mentioned to he appreciated. Leaving this floor, wo pass to
The Book and Job Press Department, occupying the entire fourth and
fifth stories, and comprising a series of rooms admirably suited, as
the accompanying sketch of one of the floors exhibits, to the inter¬
esting and highly artistic labor there performed. It is very essential
iu this department of our business to have a good and plentiful
supply of light, and perhaps nothing will attract the visitor's atten¬
tion so markedly us the eminent advantages we possess in this respect.
The many windows, double frontage, and height above the street
and surrounding buildings, secure to us that flood of light so wol-
como to the pressman. In these sovoral rooms are twenty-one Adams
*T| ni-Hrrss Ковш. Where, after brina phi-cd between highly-
j yrj paUfbcd putahotnb, the; m pel imo il»' Etjrdnnlla Ртам
i Adama' Pitoni, now Hoo'i i сареЫо of exerting n foree
of Uva linndrod tona1 рмягаго. Tito »Imple y. t effect-
L ^ L?> ' ivc ""■""f-""11"'"1 r,,r "lillin-'" ili--«- praam ¡- tnifhftüjy
£) reproamted in tlii- engraving, Aii.r bring ihoroughlj-
pmoed, Iba -U».l ;ir.- counted oit ¡ni.i quint and lìltrmtthffn ю ІІм
bookbmdtw*a, or n- mai bo directed. In ltd* room we have in con-
riniit nitration one of llr for fuliliiig papan, and ono well worth ibo ЬмресІІоа nf tbo онгіома. Tin.- Elevator awaoMuerj. pUood in ibi* room, i» Fox'« patent, of вііішгнЫс clf.oign, and nf u the eapafah of lifting two torn. Till* oompletM th.- ntrverof mir nVtabUtbment, and we now corn¬ MOON'S PHASES JBLAGK. AH x S »i вт i56- Rand & Avery Four-Line Small Pica Condensed Tuscan Shaded. Іфі Canon Ornamented. Four Line Pica Ornamented. S Four-Line Pica Italian. QOVLIO Tricks Four-Line Pica Ornamented, îïo. 1. йй № tì га& Four-Line Pica Ornamented, No. 2. Specimens, 1867 - 157
inomi ilio (bfknring \яща* lo ih» earoftd attenti.....>Г the render.