The traditional typographic grid is made
of modules, columns, margins, column
intervals, and flowlines.
The module is the building block of the
typographic grid. It is established by dividing
the page frame into units and then grouping
these units into modules.
To make a long story short, Qw
згіу ended up digitizing himself
and affiliating with some questionable characters. Sometimes
I would see him in this neighto
mhood, mumbling of the
apocalypse...being imprisoned
by the grid for eternity...
succumbing to the hierarchies cictated by scale and placement
The GRID is thought of as a sanctuary of well organized,
uniform characters. It is a fri
crisscrossing and parallel lines
rework constructed of
that allows consistent alignment
and positioning of characters i i blocks of continuous text.
>e column Is the region of the grid that
-ntalns printed text. It is a horizontal zone i
ade of stacked measures.
I interval
3 interval of space separating two or r
tlumns Is known as the column interval.
ly, the column interval Is equal
ì leading value of the text placed in the
tlumns it separates.