An initial search of our suspect's body
reveals a stash of vowels previously
reported as missing.
We take our ее into custody under suspicion of committing
letterform violence. This particular swarm of ee’s has been
wanted in the past for vowel-theft: They travel around in a
cult-like fashion, convincing other ee’s to drop out of existence I
and join their “club.” Quite sad. Under these circumstances,
any consideration of false pretences is moot.
A character with this much girth can hide
almost anything. We see, however, that
the removal of several portions reveals
the standard lowercase 'e' skeleton.
Upon arrival at ISO headquarters, suspects are strip-searched
to reveal any hidden motives. This can he a humiliating
experience for the character involved. But if you take these
types at their face value, you only see part of the picture.
You have to place them into a context—the scene of the
crime—in order to gain the full meaning. This relates to the
who, what, where, when and why questions.